Thanks for visiting our site. We hope you like what you see and also like who we are. We are a small but friendly online shop selling quality gifts for babies and young children. We want you to feel you can come back to us time and time again because you have enjoyed the experience of shopping with us. Please enjoy your shopping experience.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Choose from a summer fruit selection! Strawberry, Raspberry and Blackberry are just 3 of the very popular Merry Berry Baby Hats we sell here at Little Mischiefs. The 100% cotton knitted baby hats are available in 4 sizes from newborn to 2 years and are extremely "in season" at the moment. AND WHAT"S MORE....WE HAVE JUST TAKEN STOCK OF THE TOP SELLING CHRISTMAS PUDDING DESIGN, SO WHY NOT GET YOUR ORDER IN EARLY FOR XMAS???!!