Thanks for visiting our site. We hope you like what you see and also like who we are. We are a small but friendly online shop selling quality gifts for babies and young children. We want you to feel you can come back to us time and time again because you have enjoyed the experience of shopping with us. Please enjoy your shopping experience.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I know we are nowhere near Christmas yet, but the famous Merry Berries Xmas pudding baby hat is already in demand! We have had them in since the end of July (mainly because last year we weren't prepared enough) and they are selling fast. Last year, we ran out in October and were unable to replenish in time for Christmas. This year, hopefully we'll avoid disappointment, by keeping you updated on our blogger! If you missed out last year, why not order now for this year. There are 4 sizes available starting from newborn up to 2 years. At £11 + p&p, our price is very competitive too!